
全球肿瘤医生系列:乳腺癌专家Dr. Eric P. Winer,博士


Dr. Eric P. Winer, 医学博士, 1983年毕业于耶鲁大学。1989-1997年在杜克大学医学中心血液学和肿瘤教授,并担任多学科的乳腺项目主任。1997年,他加入了Brigham and Women's Hospital和Dana-Farber担任乳腺肿瘤中心主任。Dr. Eric P. Winer现任临床程序执行委员会主席,哈佛医学院医学教授,Dana-Farber妇女癌症科主任,乳腺肿瘤中心主任,Susan F. Smith中心妇女癌症Thompson主席。他的专长是肿瘤医学。

Dr. Eric P. Winer, 医学博士最近获奖情况:

“Claire W. and Richard P莫尔斯研究奖”(Morse Research Award),2002


Dr. Eric P. Winer, 医学博士近期发表的学术论文:

Punglia RS, Kuntz KM, Winer E, Weeks JC, Burstein HJ. Optimizing adjuvant endocrine therapy in postmenopausal women with early stage breast cancer: a decision analysis. J Clin oncol 2005;23:5178-87.

Muss HB, Woolf S, Berry D, Cirrincione C, Weiss RB, Budman D, Wood WC, Henderson IC, Hudis C, Winer E, Cohen H, Wheeler J, Norton L. Adjuvant chemotherapy is equally effective for older women and younger women with lymph node-positive breast cancer: The Cancer and Leukemia Group B experience. JAMA 2005;293:1073-81.

Burstein HJ, Harris LN, Gelman R, Lester SC, Nunes RA, Kaelin CM, Parker LM, Ellisen LW, Kuter I, Gadd MA, Christian RL, Kennedy PR, Borges VF, Bunnell CA, Younger J, Smith BL, Winer EP. Preoperative therapy with trastuzumab and paclitaxel followed by sequential adjuvant doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide for HER2 overexpressing stage II or III breast cancer. J Clin oncol 2003;21:46-53.

Partridge AH, Gelber S, Knudsen K, Laufer M, Rosenberg R, Przypyszny M, Rein A, Winer EP. Web-based survey of fertility issues in young women with breast cancer. J Clin oncol 2004;22:4174-83.

Keating NL, Landrum MB, Ayanian JZ, Winer EP, Guadagnoli E. The association of ambulatory care with breast cancer stage at diagnosis among Medicare beneficiaries. J Gen Intern Med 2005;20:38-44.

Partridge AH, Wang PS, Winer EP, Avorn JL. Non-adherence with adjuvant tamoxifen therapy in women with early stage-breast cancer. J Clin oncol 2003;21:602-4.

Partridge AH, Burstein HJ, Gelman RS, Marcom PK, Winer EP. Do patients participating in clinical trials want to know study results? J Natl Cancer Inst 2003;95:491-2.

Partridge AH, Wong JS, Knudsen K, Gelman R, Sampson E, Gadd M, Bishop K, Harris JR, Winer EP. Offering participants results of a clinical trial: sharing results of a "negative study." Lancet 2005;365:963-4.

Harris LN, Kaelin C, Bellon JR, Winer EP. Preoperative therapy for operable breast cancer. In: Harris JR, Lippman ME, Morrow M, Osborne CK, editors. Diseases of the Breast. 3rd Edition. New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2004. p.929-43.

Partridge AH, Hackett N, Blood E, Gelman R, Joffe S, Bauer-Wu S, Knudsen K, Emmons K, Collyar D, Schilsky RL, Winer EP. oncology physician and nurse practices and attitudes regarding offering clinical trial results to study participants. J Natl Cancer Inst 2004;96:629-32.



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